The Influence of Education of Optimism on Academic Stress and Mental Health of the Fifth Grade Male Students of Elementary School in the City of "Khoramabad" Using Storytelling Abstract

Document Type : Research Paper


1 profesor-lorestan university

2 profesor/ lorestan university

3 student/lorestan univercity


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of optimism on academic stress and mental health of the fifth grade male students of elementary school in the city of "Khoramabad" using storytelling. The method applied was pre-test, post-test piloting with a control group. The participants were all the elementary male students from a school in "Khoramabad", from among whom thirty were selected using "random sampling" as members of control and experimental group. Ang – Huan academic stress questionnaire (2006) and GHQ-28 inventory (1979) were used to measure the students' academic stress and mental health. For data analysis, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (univariate analysis of covariance) were applied. Results indicate that educating education of optimism through storytelling leads to a decrease in academic stress and an increase in the mental health of the fifth grade students in experimental group compared to control group. Current observations confirm the positive impact of optimism, through storytelling, upon the decrease in students' academic stress and increase in their mental health.(p<001/0).


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