A structural model for the effectiveness of nonviolent communication in education on the academic progress, self-efficacy, and academic optimism of late learners with the mediating role of teaching methodology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA student, Department of Educational Sciences, Peyame Noor university, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Peyame Noor university, Tehran,Iran


The present descriptive correlational study aims to determine the effectiveness of nonviolent communication (NVC) in education on the academic progress, self-efficacy, and academic optimism of late learners with the mediating role of teaching methodology. The study population consists of students in senior high school in Landeh town. Using Morgan's table, 242 participants were selected by stratified sampling. The nonviolent communication in education questionnaire by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Pham and Taylor’s Academic Performance Scale, Morgan-Jinks’ Student Efficacy Scale (MJSES), Tschannen-Moran’s Student Academic Optimism Questionnaire, and Rajabi’s teaching methods were used for data collection. Data were analyzed by simple linear regression and structural equations modeling (SEM) in SPSS-22 and AMOS-2020. The findings showed that with the mediating role of teaching methodology, NVC in education significantly affected the academic progress, self-efficacy, and academic optimism of late learners in Landeh both directly and indirectly. The model fit indices and RMSEA of 0.21 indicate the high model adequacy. The findings reveal that NVC in education enhances the quality of the learning process in late learners, leading to the mitigation of many behavioral, emotional, psychological, and social challenges. Nevertheless, the role of the mediating factors, such as teaching methodologies, should not be neglected, as they increase the effectiveness of NVC in education and facilitate the progress of these students.


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