Analysis of research Spirit in the tenth-grade textbook of “thinking and media literacy”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd. Student in Philosophy of Education, Departmant of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Educational Sciences Department, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The currently increasing changes in the world requires individuals who are able to meet their needs through research skills. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the research spirit components in the tenth-grade textbook of “thinking and media literacy”. A content analysis form for the research spirit components was used as the research tool. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test were used to analyze the data. The results revealed no significant difference in terms of distribution of components in the textbook. In addition, the component of questioning had the highest frequency (7.50%) and the component of independence of opinion had the lowest frequency (3.09%). It is suggested that revisions of this textbook better address the components of independence of opinion, self-assertion, and creativity.
In today’s world, the complexities of life make people in dire need of thinking, and what is important today is not the lack of knowledge and various sciences, but failure to apply or teach rational methods (Paul and Elder, 2014). Such a necessity has led to a new movement in education in the current era, whose supporters consider the development of research spirit as the basis of the information age schools in addition to the need for new knowledge and skills (Hosseinpour and Zeinabadi, 2019). Research as an important skill leads to achieving the right principles of the field of interest as well as the development of innovative ideas (Jyoti Bali, Arunkumar Giriyapur, Anilkumar Nandi, 2020). Therefore, education experts and practitioners believe that one of the main goals of education should be to train a creative, innovative, and researcher generation (Ferrari, Cachia and Punie, 2009). The present study was thus conducted to examine the tenth-grade textbook of “thinking and media literacy” from the perspective of research spirit components.
The present study used a content analysis method with a descriptive approach. First, a checklist of criteria for research spirit was made and the textbook was analyzed. In this regard, each question in the textbook was considered a unit of analysis. Then, the relevance of each analysis unit to the research spirit components was calculated and in the next step, descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (chi-square test) were used to process the data.
As seen in Table-1, the highest and the lowest frequency of the components in the tenth-grade textbook of thinking and media literacy belonged to the component of questioning (34 items) and the component of independence of opinion (14 items), respectively. Given the sig value of >0.05, the null hypothesis is approved by 95% probability and there is no significant difference between the research spirit components at 0.133.
Discussion and conclusion
Analysis of this textbook revealed no significant difference between the research spirit components, among which the components of questioning and curiosity had the highest and the components of independence of opinion and self-assertion had the lowest frequency. These findings are consistent with those of Tahmasbzadeh Sheikhlar et al. (2018) and Esfijani et al. (2008). It should be noted that schools have an important role in improving and enhancing students’ research spirit. Although the existing curricula somewhat assert the importance and necessity of research, schools need the necessary capacity and facilities to apply this approach. Therefore, curricula should facilitate teaching research to students to achieve this important goal and train them as thoughtful, curious, and creative researchers.


Main Subjects

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