Analytical Explanation of School Participation from the Perspective of Leadership and Management Subsystem Fundamental Transformation Document of Education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Education and Counseling, Central Tehran Branch , Islamic Azad University,.Tehran-Iran.

2 Department of Educational Management, Central Tehran Branch , Islamic Azad University,. Tehran-Iran

3 Research Institute of Education, Tehran, Iran.

4 Department of Education and Counseling, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study was to "validate the dimensions, components and indicators of school participation in the implementation of the leadership and management of the document of fundamental change in education". The research in terms of applied purpose and in terms of data is exploratory mixed and in terms of nature and type of study, is based on data theory and cross-sectional survey method. In this regard, after identifying and emphasizing the dimensions, components and indicators in the qualitative sector, finally 61 indicators in the form of 17 components and 6 dimensions through the statistical population of the research in a quantitative stage that includes 400 high school principals in Tehran, a statistical sample of 196 people (138 female managers and 58 male managers) was validated, who were selected through stratified random sampling and completed the questionnaire. Based on the results of confirmatory factor analysis, 61 indicators of this research were approved in the form of 6 dimensions of participation area: basis of participation, level of participation, form of participation, limits of participation and degree of participation. Therefore, according to the results of the research, the present model can be used as a guide for high   school principals in order to implement programs under the leadership and management of the document of fundamental change in education to act in the decision-making process using collective wisdom and public participation. And consider participation in all aspects of the educational environment Therefore, according to the results of the research, the present model can be used as a guide for high school principals in order to implement programs under the leadership and management of the document of fundamental change in education to act in the decision-making process using collective wisdom and public participation. And consider participation in all aspects of the educational environment.
The document of fundamental change of education is considered as one of the most valid upstream documents in the Ministry of Education. This document was approved in 2011 with 23 operational goals and 131 strategies seeks to create a fundamental change in the education system based on the philosophy of Islamic education. A fundamental issue, especially a decade after the adoption of the document, is facing experts and researchers in the field of education, review and pathology of the implementation of the document of fundamental change. At present, several programs have been developed under the operational objectives of the document and its solutions in the form of six sub-systems (provincial, provincial and school areas) And the school must implement its split-share programs, which are listed in six subsystems. However, the outcome of the school share programs in the six subsystems does not have the necessary inclusion and effectiveness as a school transformation program at the level of the transformation document and is only a heavy burden on the school. This is while the transformation document should be implemented in the school and its executive crystallization should be reflected in the executive regulations of the schools (Bayat, et al,2020). Undoubtedly, management, fundamental change in education must be done very intelligently and consciously to have the highest efficiency and effectiveness in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. This management depends on specific mechanisms and requirements and should be able to use all facilities and opportunities to transform existing education into desirable education(Navid,2012). Despite the document's emphasis on public participation in education, the exact concept of "participation" and the ways in which it operates in schools have not been provided. Therefore, it encouraged the researcher to define this word precisely from the perspective of the authors of the document and other theorists, as well as the strategies for making it operational at the school level. 
The research questions are as follows:
1.What are the dimensions, components and constructive indicators of the school participation model for the implementation of the leadership sub-system of the document of fundamental change in education?
2. Are the dimensions, components and indicators valid enough?
Statistical population According to the information received from the Statistics and Information Center of the Deputy Minister of Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education, there are 400 principals of public secondary schools in Tehran. According to Morgan table, 196 managers were selected as a sample and based on the sampling method classified according to volume. This study is practical in terms of purpose, considering that it seeks to improve the participation of schools to implement the document of fundamental change in the country's education.
The method of this research is an exploratory mix (qualitative and quantitative) in terms of data. In the present study, in order to identify and confirm the measurement factors, the validity of this questionnaire was tested separately for each dimension by confirmatory factor analysis. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to confirm the normality of the population. It shows that the obtained (K-S) is not significant and this indicates that the distribution is normal. Measuring tool: A multivariate researcher-made questionnaire based on the findings of the qualitative section was used to measure the variables of the foundation data model. This questionnaire has been approved by experts with the help of Delphi technique (in 2 stages). The validity of the mentioned instrument (questionnaire) was done through Cronbach's alpha and its validity was done through content and confirmation validity. Confirmatory content validity (CVR) has been used to examine the dimensions’ identification questionnaire, components of school participation. The total validity of the questionnaire is equal to 0.85 and because it is more than 0.7, it can be said that the questionnaire has a high validity.
During the selective coding, 6 dimensions, 17 components and 61 indicators of school participation for the implementation of the leadership subsystem and management of the document of fundamental change in education were approved, and these results are presented in the table.
Dimensions of participation in schools in order to implement the leadership and management subsystem of the document of fundamental change in education with the help of selective coding in the form of data theory of the foundation under six headings: "participation area, participation basis, participation level, participation form, participation limits and degree of participation" has been achieved.


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