Exploring of the Martin Buber's spiritualist approach to teacher’s ethics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Philosophy of Education.Departmant of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan,Iran

2 Associate Professor of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Professor of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan,Iran


The purpose of the present study is to explore of the Martin Buber's intellectual system in the areas of religion, ethics and education in order to explain the teacher's professional and ethical responsibilities. Research that has been done with descriptive - interpretative approach and with deductive method, in the first step, describe and interpret Buber's spiritualistic approach. Buber is regarded as a spiritualist philosophy who proposed the idea of the "Eclipse of God", has admitted to fender the modern instrumentalist thought in between the encounter of man with God, and expressed concern at the diminishing spiritual and moral aspects of the various aspects of human life today. In the next step, the implications of this approach are deduced for the four areas of teacher's ethics: God, the world, the self, and other human beings (students, parents, co-workers, and society). Teacher's ethics based on Buber's perspective can be summarized in two stages: Teacher by creating a personal relationship with God, calls divine spirituality into all his thoughts and actions. The result of this spiritual state is that the teacher becomes aware of his existential powers, such as the right to choose, making decision and will, and in all communication, releases from selfishness, narrow-mindedness, insistence on the "I-It" kind of relationship with the manifestations of creation and others, and he works with integrity of being for the fulfillment of God, world, self, and human beings.


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