An Investigation of Consequences of Structural Change in Primary Schools with respect to Social Cohesion, Attitudes to School, Aggressive Behaviors, Self-Esteem, and Academic Achievement of 6th Graders

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA of Curriculum Studies, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

3 Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kashan, Iran


This study aimed to investigate the psychological status and academic achievement of male and female sixth-grade students in the new structure of elementary education. Most recently, the sixth-grade was integrated into the elementary school, and as a result, nowadays there are two types of elementary schools (1-6th grades and 4-6th grades) in most cities in Iran.
The target population was comprised of 464 male and female students studying at the sixth-grade of elementary schools in Kashan. The data collection tool utilized for this study was Student School Survey which included nine key components for analyzing students’ behaviors and attitudes.
The results indicated that the combining factor (girls versus boys) and the structure factor (4-6th grade versus 1-6th grade) had a significant multivariate effect on dependent variables. The boys studying in 4-6th grade schools scored significantly lower in the components of observation, action and complicity in violent behaviors than their peers in 1-6th grade schools, and although the self-concept score of the first group was significantly lower, their score in ethics was significantly higher. With regard to girls however, those studying in 1-6th grade schools scored higher in the components of trust and social cohesion, positive attitude towards school, self-concept and ethical orientation in comparison to their peers in 4-6th grade schools, and they were, of course, significantly more victimized by violent behaviors.


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