Survey of Compliance rate of the learned religious of secondary school students with suggested pattern on the Religious Education Theory of Glo-calized Space.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Full Prof of the Dept of Management and Educational Planning, Shiraz University,Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran

2 Dept. Management and Educational Planning

3 Associate Prof. of the Dept. Management and Educational Planning

4 Associate Prof. of the Dept. Management and Educational Planning Shiraz University,Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran


The purpose of this study was to Survey of Compliance rate of the learned religious of secondary school students with suggested pattern on the Religious Education Theory of Glo-calized Space. The research method is descriptive and survey method and statistical population includes all secondary school students in four Shiraz districts that selected with random - stage sampling method a sample of 452 students. For collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire were used that for determining its validity, Formal validity and first and second factor analysis methods were used and its reliability was assessed using cronbach's alpha. The results of First factor analysis showed that, by assuming a criterion of 0/4, in all components, the questions presented in the questionnaire in the range of 0.44 to 0.90 and is therefore well clearly indicate the relevant components. Meanwhile, the results of the second-order factor analysis in the range of 0.82 to 0.93 showed that the nine components in the aforementioned theory well illustrate the fit of this model for the development of religious education in the current global space. Cronbach's alpha results (range from 0.54 to 0.75 for components and 0.93 for total) also showed that the questionnaire in all its dimensions has the reliability required for use as a valid questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, inferential statistics of single sample t-test and descriptive statistics of mean of total scores were used.


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