Cumulative Effect of Experiencing Descriptive (qualitative) Evaluation on Test anxiety and Self-efficacy of Students in the fifth grade

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Institute of Educational Studies, Educational Research and Planning Organization, Tehran, Iran


In this study we examine the effects of experiencing descriptive/qualitative system of evaluation on test anxiety and self-efficacy in the fifth grade students. the required data were gathered using two questionnaires (test anxiety and self-efficacy).Subjects included 140 students in Tehran who belong to traditional(35 female, 35 male) and new descriptive(35 female, 35 male) systems. Each of these two groups during the four past years covered by the mentioned evaluation systems. Two-way ANOVA was used for comparison means of anxiety and self-efficacy. Findings show that the main effect of evaluation system on anxiety is significant. Anxiety scores in the traditional group is greater than descriptive evaluation group. The main effect on students' self-efficacy and gender were not significant. However, interaction effect of sex and type of evaluation is significant. Self-efficacy is affected by the type of assessment in terms of the gender of the students. Therefore, the gender of the student is related to the type of evaluation and can modify the effects of the evaluation. Girls seem to be more sensitive than the boys to the hints and verbal descriptions of teachers, and they are affected. Implications of these findings were discussed in detail and further research in the future studies were suggested.


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