De-professionalism of Teachers: Experiences of the Out of Filed Teaching

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department OF Education, University of Kurdistan, Sannadaj

2 Department of Education, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran


The main aim of this survey was presenting a qualitative theory on factors and consequences of out of field teaching phenomenon by teachers. The main approach of survey was interpretational and its strategy was grounded theory. Therefore 25 of male and female teachers with more than three years’ experiences underwent semi-structural interview. The achieved data were analyzed via three-phase coding. The studied key subjects in this survey included teacher position, understanding emotions and expectations of teacher, factors and grounds causing this phenomenon, problems of handling a class, behavioral and mental issues happened for teacher-students. Main matters resulting in the phenomenon of out of field teaching were as follow: mismanagement of human resources, interference of other organs in organizing resources, repetitive changes in scholar levels of educational system, acceptance of this phenomenon since previous years, volunteer status of teachers for teaching in urban areas and being close to living area, lack of sensitivity and objection by families and students and changing population of students. Lack of motivation by teachers, decrement of educational affectivity, lack of professional development and lack non-satisfaction of headmasters are the consequences of out of field teaching.


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