The role and the formation of large patterns in the life of "me"

Document Type : Research Paper



Why do some people in the community think, feel and behave differently? The answer to this question is not so simple, and disciplines and schools of thought and theories, each one trying to find the answer to this key question have been. The purpose of this article is to examine this issue from the point of view of psychoanalysis.With the help of the literature and scientific literature available in relation to the concept of the subject and in a meta-analysis (FRA) method, we are librarians and criticize them in an effort to understand the subject matter.As a result, we believe that human beings are born alike, but different psychological and cultural environments around people (such as family, school, peer network, media, and society) are some of them as subject or as Jacques Lacan, French psychoanalyst With the help of large patterns (A large) it makes a subject and makes a number passive or individual. In other words, subjectivity and passivity are socially acquired or constructed, so it is learned.


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