Teachers’ experiences of the underlying factors of violence in schools, a phenomenology study

Document Type : Research Paper



This research aims to conceptualize teachers' experiences of the effective factors underlying violence in schools because nowadays, aside from students, teachers are also struggling with this problem. Therefore, by identifying its underlying factors, violence can easily be decreased or even eliminated completely. This study is a qualitative research based on phenomenological methodology. In order to obtain the maximum amount of information, using purposeful sampling data, 12 veteran teachers in the city of Urmia were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. Discussions were analyzed using Smith's method. The results showed that the factors underling violence in schools can be categorized into three broad themes of individual, school-related and sociological factors.In order to understand the origins of violence in schools, in addition to genetic characteristics, age, gender and maturation of individuals and situational factors ; physical features , organizational and management characteristics of schools as well as factors beyond school such as sociological, economic, and family- related effects and most importantly, the media should also be considered.


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