Using Mixed Method Research to Evaluate the Quality of Output and Outcome of “School Management Excellence Program”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum Development & Instruction Methods, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran

3 Assistant professor at department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of at Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of the present research was to evaluate quality of School Management Excellence Program (output and outcome) based on (CIPO) model in Second cycle of girls High Schools in the city of Karaj, Iran district no 4. The research method was survey. The population of the research were school principals, assistant principals, teachers and students selected from among girls high schools of Karaj city, district no 4. Totally, 34 indicators and 7 criteria for gathering data regarding output and outcome were identified and classified. Based on derived indicators, 3 questionnaires for students, teachers, principals and assistant principals were designed. Content validity of the questionnaires was reviewed and verified based on the comments of experts, in the field of evaluation. To determine reliability of the three of questionnaires Alpha Cronbach coefficient was used. The reliability coefficient had an acceptable rate (over 0.85). Due to the limitation of population size, all principals and assistant principals (33 persons) were selected to participate in this research. Furthermore, 46 teachers and 636 students were selected from among successful, semi-successful and low successful schools by sampling method. Research findings indicates that quality of implementing of program in output and outcome from the view point of principals, assistants, teachers and students have been reported partially undesirable. Finally, for the betterment of School Management Excellence some suggestions were proposed.


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