Design and validation of the adult education program in the country

Document Type : Research Paper


1 corresponding author Associate Professor Department of Educational Management and Educationa planning, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Assistant Professor in Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 Associate Professor in research, education & extension organization

4 Ph.D. Student of Educationa Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University


The aim of the study is to provide an appropriate model for rural adult education in the country. The research is in the applied research category which was performed by exploratory hybridization method. The methodology of the research was focal group, semi-structured interview and descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of the study consisted of 1600 rural education providers. Cluster randomized sampling method was used. The qualitative data were collected through a semi-structured interview and focused participants, and in the small part of the questionnaire, a researcher made questionnaire and 393 samples were selected using the Cochran formula. To analyze the research data, the qualitative section of the systematic coding method was used and in the quantitative section descriptive statistics, Utest, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were used. The qualitative research findings showed that the early components of the proper model of the adult education program of the country's villagers were 8 components and 32 sub-components.In the quantitative part, Mann-Whitney test showed that there was a significant difference between the mean and the average of all components in the 1% level, and the present status of the training of the villagers was not favorable.The results of two phases of the confirmatory factor analysis of the components also showed that the components, sub-components identified have a sufficient load factor to predict the villagers' education program in the country, as well as the fitting indicators of the rural education program model shows the developed model It has a good fit.


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