A preliminary study of psychometric properties the children self-report measure of neglectful behavior by parents (MNBS-CR)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA

2 university of Mohaghegh


The purpose of present study is investigating psychometric properties of a multidimensional children self-report measure of neglectful behavior by parents. The statistical population of this study was all students of the first grade of high school in Ardabil (Academic year, 2013-2014). The sample was selected using a convenience sampling method (consists of 203 girl, 197 boys) and answered the questionnaire. The data were analyzed. The scale internal consistency coefficients was 0/74.The subscale reliabilities were acceptable and validity coefficients were appropriate. Also there was significant statistically difference among boys and girls participants according to their self-report of neglectful behavior by parents. The girls were more neglectful behavior by parents. According the model Confirmatory Factor analysis revealed three factors: Physical Needs, Emotional Support, and Parental Monitoring. Based on results can be said, the MNBS-CR scale is valid and reliable instrument for assessment the neglectful behavior by parents and can be used in internal research.


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