The relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement: The mediating role of procrastination, self-regulation,self- efficacy.

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of emotional intelligence on academic achievement through the mediation of of procrastination, self-regulated and self-efficacy. For this reason, A sample of 300 Students from the Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Al-Zahra were selected using stratified random sampling method. Then participants were asked to measure learning self-regulation of Miller et al (1996), general self-efficacy students of sherer et al. (1982) , a questionnaire of 33 questions Siberia Shrink to measure emotional intelligence and procrastination that through questionnaires Solomon and Ratblvm (1984) Measurement is complete. The findings of the path analysis showed that the model desired , is a good fit, And procrastination, self-efficacy, self-regulatory have mediating role between emotional intelligence and academic achievement Perform . As well as non-significant findings showed that the relationship between emotional intelligence and there procrastination and the two variables indirectly related to each other. Achievement explained37% by research variables. According to the results of research, education practitioners can training emotional intelligence , increasing self-efficacy and self-regulation, and by reducing procrastination increase their academic achievement


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