Designing a Model for the Curriculum of Global Citizenship Education in Elementary Schools of Iran's Educational System: A Model based on Grounded Theory

Document Type : Research Paper



The main purpose of this inquiry is designing a model for the curriculum of global citizenship education in elementary schools of Iran's educational system. This inquiry is a qualitative research based on grounded theory. The statistical population consists of teachers and specialists in the field of global citizenship which their approach are based on purposeful sampling method with a snowball technique. In total, 34 persons including 18 teachers and 16 specialists and faculty members was interviewed. The data was analyzed through semi-structured interviews during the three phases of open coding, axial and selective which was formed in the framework of the paradigm and conceptual model as follows: necessity (social needs), goals (aims and objectives), content (content organizing principles, principles of content selection), teaching-learning methods (selective principles of teaching-learning methods, approaches and methods of teaching-learning), the role of the teacher (teacher characteristics, the executive responsibility of teachers), evaluation (assessment principles, methods of evaluation), time (allocated time for direct trains, allocated time for non-direct trains), location (location as a source of learning, location as a place of execution), materials and resources (physical or non-virtual resources, virtual resources), organizational factors (empowerment programs, organizational support), implicit learning (outside the school environment, school environment) and outcomes of the program (educational components of the knowledge, skill and attitude). To ensure the reliability and validity, the Lincoln and Guba's approach, including credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability were employed. Finally, according to the findings and the results, some guidelines have been provided for the Implementation of the program.


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