Cultural values and information technology acceptance: the roleindividual characteristicsand cognitive beliefs

Document Type : Research Paper



This research aimed at studying the effects of culture and individual characteristics on students' information technology acceptance. Computer anxiety and self-efficacy and cultural dimensions (uncertainty avoidance, Collectivism/ individualism and power distance) were tested by adding to TAM model. Using PLS method structural equation modeling, the findings showed that the TAM model can predict 39 percent of variance in intention to use of computer. Computer self efficacy has positive and computer anxiety had negative effect on perceived usefulness and ease of use. Uncertainty avoidance had negative effect on computer self efficacy and collectivism / individualism, power distance and uncertainty avoidance had positive effects on computer anxiety. In general the results showed that culture and personality traits had effects on information technology acceptance.
Key words: uncertainty avoidance, power distance, collectivism/ individualism, computer anxiety, Computer self-efficacy.
This research aimed at studying the effects of culture and individual characteristics on students' information technology acceptance. Computer anxiety and self-efficacy and cultural dimensions (uncertainty avoidance, Collectivism/ individualism and power distance) were tested by adding to TAM model. Using PLS method .


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