Document Type : Research Paper


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Present study was done to investigate hope in view of single-parent students (children of divorce). Method of this study was in qualitative approach and was conducted as a phenomenological study. Participants included 16 single-parent girl students of a primary school in Chahardange City whom were selected through purposive sampling method. The data was collected using a standardized open-ended interview. The collected data was then analyzed through interpretive analysis in approach of Strauss and Glaser.
Conclusion: For hope and school, single parent children have many educational problems due to familial issues occurred following parents' divorce. So they have involved in school drop-out and many of them lost their motivation for educational achievements and continuing. For hope and family, single parent children are confused in defining family and their family definition is different from what they experience in reality. They miss the parent with whom they do not live and show their appetite to be near their absent parent. Most of them deny there is nothing between their parents because their parents divorced. They imagine reunion desire of their parents in their mind. Some feel hopeless if they family members be together again and live in a home together. In this study, Most of divorced parents' children expressed they are not able to communicate with their friends because of their special conditions.


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