Explorer of the four important philosophical concepts of Deleuze and the extraction of its allusions in art education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Deleuze is one of the prominent contemporary philosophers who has presented his ideas based on the creation of new concepts, and various thinkers have applied his theories in various dimensions of life. The present study has been done with this approach and its purpose is to clarify the four philosophical concepts of Deleuze and to extract implications for teaching art. The method of philosophical analysis has been chosen to analyze the four important philosophical concepts of Deleuze and Frankenna's model of practical analogy has been chosen to extract the allusions of Deleuze's philosophical concepts in art education. The findings indicates that immanence with ontological roots, rhizomes with epistemological roots, equal attention to body and mind with anthropological roots and achieving good with axiological roots are in rhizomatic and nested relationship. They are together and can have hints in art education, including the goals of the principles, methods and contents of art. A study of the findings shows that It is essential that Deleuze's concepts are not seen in isolation And the use of Deleuze's philosophical ideas in the field of education, including art education, can provide the basis for overcoming the mere emphasis on aesthetics.


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