Discriminative Role of Social intelligence, Bullying and Academic well-being in Social isolation of students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master student, Department of educational sciences, University of Shahid Madani in Azerbaijan.

2 MA Educational psychology ,Tabriz University. Tabriz. Iran

3 Ms Educational psychology ,Tabriz University. Tabriz. Iran

4 Faculty of Education and psychology, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. Tabriz. Iran.


This study aimed to discriminate students with high and low social isolation based on components of social intelligence, bullying and academic well-being. The method of this study was causal-comparative. The population consisted of all male and female students enrolled in Tabriz city secondary schools in the 2019-2020 academic year that according to Krejcie and Morgan table, 365 students were selected by the multistage cluster sampling method. For data collection from the Tromso social intelligence scale (2001), the Illinois bullying scale (2001), academic well-being Tuominen-Soini et al Questionnaire (2012) and social isolation Modarresi Yazdi Questionnaire (2014) were used. Data were analyzed using SPSS-22 software and statistical test discriminant analysis. The results of the discriminant analysis, leading to a significant recognition function that according to this function, school burnout and the victim had the highest ability to differentiate (p


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