The Effect of mindfulness and gratitude Of God on students' resilience: The Mediatin role of humor

Document Type : Research Paper


tabriz university


Resilience is a concept that researchers have been focusing on in recent years in explaining human behavior. Resilience refers to one's ability to maintain a psychological and biological adaptability in the face of critical and threatening conditions. On the other hand, positive psychology has been concluded that several factors are effective in increasing people's resilience to stress. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of mindfulness and gratitude of god on the resilience of Students with the mediation role of humor of Tabriz University. From these students, 240 students were selected by multiple cluster sampling method from Civil Engineering, Mathematical and Psychological faculties. Data were collected using the 5-item Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), Humor Questionnaire (SHQ), gratitude of fod Questionnaire (Krause, Neal, 2006) and Conner-Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (CD-RISC). Path analysis was used to analyze the data. The results showed that students' resilience was predicted directly by gratitude of God (β = 0.35) and humor (β = 0.29). Resilience is also predicted indirectly and in a humor way by gratitude of God (β = 0.083) and mindfulness (β = 0.076). The results of the research on the path of mindfulness to resilience were not confirmed. Furthermore, the results indicate that 15% of students' resilience is explained by mindfulness, gratitude of god, and humor. Finally, the findings showed that 27% of resiliency is explained by the variables of mindfulness and gratitude of God by humor.


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