Provide a native model of teacher-centered educational supervision in elementary schools

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Educational Administration, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Associate Professor Department of Curriculum, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Allameh Tabatabai, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.


The purpose of this study was Provide a native model of teacher-centered educational supervision in elementary schools. The research method was exploratory mixed. In the qualitative stage, the method of research narration and potential contributors included teachers in West Azarbaijan province who were selected with a targeted approach and desirable sampling method to reach theoretical saturation point. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview protocol. Calculation of reliability and validity of the data was done using two methods of reviewing the participants and reviewing non-participating experts in the research. By analyzing the theme, were dicovered 5 organizing themes and 16 basic themes about the teacher-centered model of supervision. In the quantitative part, the method of research was descriptive survey and the statistical population consisted of teachers of West Azarbaijan province. For validation of the model, using Cochran sampling formula, 200 people by random cluster sampling method were selected. The tool used in the quantitative section was a researcher-made scale based on the qualitative section themes network. The quantitative section analysis was performed with a confirmatory factor analysis to determine the validity of the pattern. The results of the quantitative part, using first and second order factor analysis, showed that the teacher-centric the teacher-centered supervision model of native has structural validity.


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