impact of video games on creativity and spatial perception preschoolers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. in Exceptional Child Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Member of the Young and Elite Research Club-،Tehran university on sciece and reserch, Tehran, Iran


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of computer games on creativity and preschool children's spatial perception.
Methods: This quasi-experimental design with Pysh‌Zmvn, Ps‌Zmvn with the control group, the experimental study of the use of computer games and the effectiveness of the order to assess the variables of the Torrance Test of Creativity (1974), spatial perception test Frastyg (1961) as well as the protocol used computer games Shd.jamh included all the novice girls studying in preschool centers in district 5 of Tehran after official permission from the Department of education Tehran and the regional office of education, of which 50 were recruits and two experimental and control as Zmvdnyantkhab participated in this study. In order to analyze the data obtained by means of descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software were analyzed by analysis of covariance.
Results: Analysis of data using analysis of covariance showed that the difference between pre-test and post-test, the experimental and control groups, is significant.
Conclusion: The results showed that the intervention program uses computer games, on creativity and spatial perception preschool children in the experimental group in post-test, the Tvandtasyr meaningful.


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