The Role of Ethical Competency of Managers on Organizational Virtuousness

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master student of the Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The main goal of this study was explained of ethical competencies role in organizational virtuousness. The present study is quantitative, purposeful, applied and descriptive-correlation method of regression type. The population of the study consisted of all the staff (N=3591) using a Proportional stratified sampling method and 347 people were selected as sample and randomly. For data collection, a researcher-made questionnaire based on ethical competencies of the academic managers, and the Researcher-made questionnaire based on organizational virtuousness. The questionnaires content validity and construct validity was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis. Reliability was for ethical competencies 0.98 and was for organizational virtuousness 0.98. The findings showed that the current status of ethical competence of managers were above average level. While the current status of organizational virtuousness was middle. Also, the results of multiple regression showed that among the components of ethical competence, the only component of ethical competence of towards others was the predictive ability on organizational Virtuousness. Accordingly, it can be concluded that ethics, which is considered an individual approach, is at average level, and organizational virtuousness, which is considered an organizational approach, is less than average. Also, among all components of ethical competency, ethical competency toward others, which is a communicative component, can be used to expect organizational virtuousness. This, therefore, indicates the need to pay attention to the social and communicative aspects of the employees of organizations, especially the university, to increase the organizational virtuousness.


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