Investigating components of humanistic curriculum based on McNeil's theory and its degree of benefit in teaching methodology for elementary teachers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student of Curriculum Planning at Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University of Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Curriculum Planning of Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University of Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the components of the humanistic curriculum based on McNeil's theory and the extent of its benefit in the teaching method of elementary school teachers (fourth and fifth). The research method is a combination and sequential exploratory design. In the qualitative section, based on the first chapter of the contemporary curriculum, which was selected as the field unit. Using the theme analysis (selection-analysis, summarization, and structuring), 133 key words were extracted based on the inductive-inductive method. Then, in the process of analysis, the code is codified, expanded and categorized. Finally, by category, categories of emotions, experience, ethics, collaboration, ability and skill, creativity, innovation, values, and emotional beliefs are categorized. They were Using the specified components of the qualitative method, a researcher-made questionnaire based on the Likert scale was designed to determine the teacher's readings about the components and their utility rates. Validity of the questionnaire was based on experts' opinions and for reliability. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was measured by Cronbach's alpha coefficient = 76%. In the end, teachers' comments were based on interviews and notes of other comments. Based on the spss22 software, and the frequency of components, the most important findings were that teachers were at a good level And very well from the classified components. The most important condition in which the teacher is capable of executing in the components of humanism is the development of emotions that embody religious feelings that are rooted in our culture.


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