The Role of Teachers’ Mental Health on the Quality of Work Life and Organizational Performance



The quality of teachers’ work life effects on their organizational performance. One of the influential factors on the teachers’ organizational performance is their mental health. The present study analyzed the relationship between mental health and quality of work life and organizational performance in the teachers of middle school. The research design was correlational. For this purpose, 152 teachers were selected by cluster random sampling out of the entire female teachers in Yazd middle schools. The instruments used for data collection were wellbeing and mental health questionnaire of warr (1990), quality of work life questionnaire of Linden, and organizational performance questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Pearson correlation, multiple regression and multi-factorial analysis of variance. The findings indicated that there was a significant relationship between mental health, quality of work life and organizational performance of teachers. In other words, if the teachers have competence and aspiration in their job and life, they will have high skill discretion and organizational performance, and low role ambiguity. Job and life aspiration is related to job security and meaningfulness. This group of teachers will receive more support from the supervisors and co-workers. Bringing job tensions into personal life puts the teacher under physical and job pressures, causes physical diseases and decreases their organizational performance. With increasing work experience, teachers will lose job and life aspiration and their individual competence. It is suggested that educational administrators take into account the teachers’ motivation, goals and challenges, and by giving financial support, improving welfare and having justice in assessment improve the quality of their work life.


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