Comparing the effectiveness of instructional designs based on Gagne model of learning and Dick & Carey instructional design model on learning, retention and achievement motivation of students



This studywas conducteddue to theimportanceandeffectiveness ofinstructionaldesign models speciallyGagne modelin the field ofeducational activities, and aimed at comparingthe effectiveness of Gagne model of learning and Dick & Careyinstructional design model on learning, retention and achievement motivation of third grade students in science course. The design of the research was quasi–experimentalwithpretest-posttestandcontrol group.The population of the study wasallthe third-grade girl students ofAharcity inthe academic year of1390-91. A sample of 3 classes including 25 students each was selected using cluster random method. Instruments used toinvestigate the variables were learning, retention test and achievement motivation questionnaire (ISM).Validity of the tests was investigated using instructional designexperts,stakeholdersand anumber oflearners. The reliabilityof learningtestusing split-half methodturned out to be 0/83 andthe reliabilityof achievementmotivationquestionnaire(ISM)using Cronbach's alpha method was 0/81.The first experimental group (25 students) was trained based on Gagne learning model for 8 sessions (every sessionlasted for 45 minutes), the second experimental group (n=25) was taught based on Dick & Carey instructional designmodeland the control group(n = 25) based ontraditionalmethod. Descriptive (mean, standarddeviation) and inferential statistics (Analysisof covariance, Multivariate analysis of variance and Bonferroni test)were used to analyze the data usingSPSSsoftware.The results revealed that applying Gagne learning model compared with Dick & Carey instructional design model increased learning andretention in the students; however, nosignificant difference inachievement motivationwas found between groups.
