Releasing the Imagination and Significant Experience: Maxine Greene’s Aesthetic Education Approach

Document Type : Research Paper



A well-founded educational theory is the basis of any educational system that is associated with human beings. Phenomenology as a philosophical perspective that has emerged in the twentieth century looks at the world and human beings from a different point of view. This study aimed at studying the position and application of phenomenology in education and the curriculum. In this analytical study documents were analyzed with the purpose of explanation and clarification of practical concepts and ideas in the area of curriculum studies. It was found that one of the most important strengths of Phenomenology was its promotion of change, diversity and innovation in all aspects of the curriculum. Furthermore, it warns against any standardization of methods of education in different areas of the curriculum including objectives, conditions, content, teaching methods and evaluation. Through employing unique methods, phenomenology improves educational relations in educational systems by having closer links with educational phenomena.


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