The Effectiveness of Aesthetics-Based Teaching on Academic Achievement (A Comparative study of Aesthetics-Based Teaching Method and Traditional Methods of Teaching)

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of aesthetics-based teaching on academic achievement of fifth grade students in Elementary school science course. The study was of quasi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and follow-up with control groups. The population included male and female students in fifth grade of elementary school in Babolsar, out of which, 50 boys and girls were selected and assigned randomly to both experimental and control groups. After administering the pre-test to both groups, the experimental group underwent 12 sessions (each session lasted of 45 minutes) of science instruction through teaching methods which were based on aesthetics. The control group was trained by the traditional methods. After that, a post-test (immediately after training) and a follow-up test (after 3 months) were administered to both groups. The data was analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of covariance. The results showed a significant difference between the achievement scores of the two groups. Based on these results, aesthetic-based teaching can be considered an active and effective teaching method for the students’ achievement in science course.


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