The relationship between the political behavior of managers and organizational commitment staff with adjusting organizational justice in Lorestan University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Lorestan University

2 Lorestan`s university


The purpose of this investigation is to study the relationship between manager`s politic behavior and staff organizational commitment with adjustment of organizational justice in Lorestan`s university The research method was descriptive correlational and The population consisted of all employees in the years 1394- 1395 is Lorestan University. Descriptive study according to population size, sample using Morgan tableThe The investigation is descriptive and the statistical model includes 201 person of Lorestan university`s personnel whom are selected by method of relativity class sampling. We use Standard Politic Behavior questionnaire by Dobrin (1978) and Organizational Commitment questionnaire by Meyer&Allen (1993) and Organizational Justice questionnaire written by Niehoff & Moorman (1993) in order to gathering data. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics and modeling, path analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient and t single sample using statistical software spss and lisrel will be used. Cronbach's alpha coefficient (political behavior "94/0" organizational commitment "92/0" organizational justice "90/0") was evaluated Results of the investigation showed that condition of manager`s politic behavior and staff organizational commitment with adjustment of organizational justice is higher than assumption average bound and direct standard coefficient between staff politic behavior with their organizational commitment is -0/47. Indirect standard coefficient in the role of organizational justice is -0/24. And effects of the coefficient reach to -0/71. It means that -71 percent of reshuffle in the commitment is result of staff politic behavior with the role of organizational justice.


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