Hermeneutics as a Basis for Educational Studies

Document Type : Research Paper



In the history of twentieth century philosophy of science in four major transformation has occurred, each of which has had great impact The first discourse positivism, the second discourse is Karl Popper, the third discourse, structuralism and Relativism of Thomas Cohen and fourth discourse, hermeneutics. Hermeneutics can solve many problems in the field of education. This paper discusses the history and roots of hermeneutics and its implications in the field of education has been analyzed. The purpose of this study was Hermeneutics as a discourse which has affected of education, Hermeneutics is the one of the theories of Appropriate for the processes of education. To achieve this important goal of this research method of analysis - analytical used. The results show that Hermeneutics in the fields of students, education, evaluation scope and methodology for education has significant implications.


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