The Causal Model of the Relationship of Career Anchors, Organizational Socialization and Organizational Commitment in the Faculty Members of Urmia University

Document Type : Research Paper



This research aimed at analyzing the relationship of career anchors, organizational socialization and organizational commitment among the faculty members in University of Urmia. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The population included the whole faculty members of University of Urmia, out of which a sample of 185 individuals was selected randomly according to the faculty at which they were teaching. The data was collected by the use of three standard questionnaires including career anchors questionnaire according to Schein model of organizational culture, the Organizational Socialization Inventory according to Taormina model and organizational commitment questionnaire according to Baulfour & Wechsler model. The collected data was then analyzed by LISREL and SPSS software. The result of structural equations showed that the direct effect on career anchors and organizational commitment (0/05) was positive and significant, and direct effect of organizational socialization on organizational commitment (96/0) was positive and significant. Indirect effect of career anchors on organizational commitment mediated by organizational socialization (0/57) was positive and significant and the total effect of career anchors on organizational commitment (0/52) was positive and significant.  


Abbaspour,A. (2002). Comparison of performance of human resources with improved human resource management functions. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(58),85-106.(In Persian(.
Akroyd,D., Legg,J., Jackowski, M.B., & Adams,R.D.(2009). The impact of selected organizational variables and managerial leadership on radiation therapists ’ organizational commitment. Radiography,  15, 113-120.
Antonacopoulou,E.P. and Guttel, W. H. (2010). Staff induction practices and organizational socialization: A review and extension of the debate. Society and Business Review, 5(1), 22-47.
Atasashpuor,S.H. and Landoran Esfahani,S.(2007). Organizational socialization process. Journal ehya,19-22. (In Persian).
Bagheri,M. & Tavalai,R.A. (2010). The effect of organizational commitment on performance of organizations. Journal of  Two Monthly Police Development, 7 (30),73-96. (In Persian).
Barati,H & Orizasamani,h.R. (2009). Relationship commitment and work centrality Due to the moderating variables With cognitive and mental health workers past the retirement and of preparation for and commitment to improving health in the past the retirement of their psychological. Journal Working in Iran, 6(4), 35-43. (In Persian).
Beck, J & Lopa, J. M.(2001). An exploratory applications of Schein’s career anchors inventory to hotel executive operating committee members. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 20, 15-28.
Beck, J. A. (2004). Career anchors, organizational commitment, and job plateaus: An analysis of hotel executive operating committee members' career development. MA Dissertation, Purdue University.
Chiu, C., HsinGinn, H, Chung, L. & Siao, S. (2007). A study of career anchors and characteristic preferences of IS students. Journal of Compute Information Systems, 47(3), 24-33.
Cichy,R.F., Cha,J, & Kim,S. (2009). The relationship between organizational commitment and contextual performance among private club leaders. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28, 53–62.
Cohen, A. & Veled-Hecht, A. (2008). The relationship between organizational socialization and commitment in the workplace among employees in long-term nursing care facilities.Journal of Personnel Review. 39( 5), 537-556.
Cooper- Thomas,H.D & Anderson , N. (2006). Organizational socialization A new theoretical model and recommendations for future research and HRM practices in organizations. Journal  of managerial Psychology, 21( 5), 492-516.
Danziger, N and Valency, R. (2006). Career anchorsi distribution and impact on job satisfaction, the England case. Career Development International,11(4), 293-303.
Danziger, N; Moore, D & Valancy, R. (2008). The construct validity of Schein's career anchors orientationinventory. Career Development International, .3(1), 7-19.
Earl, G. (2005). The effect of job satisfaction, intention to leave, and career anchors on ethical perception of accounting professionals within the institute of management accountants(IMA). D.B.A. Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University.
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Erdheim,J., Wang,M., & Zickar,M .J. (2006). Linking the Big Five personality constructs to organizational commitment. Personality and Individual Differences 41, 959–970.
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Ferreira. N. Basson. J., &  Coetzee,  M. (2010). Psychological career resources in relation to organizational commitment: An exploratory study. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 8(1), 1-10.
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Ge,J., Su,X. & Zhou,Y. (2010). Organizational socialization, organizational identification and organizational citizenship behavior. Nankai Business Review International, 1(2), 166-179.
Ghafori,M.R., & Golparvar,M. (2009). The relationship between organizational justice components of organizational commitment in Municipal employees of the Shardari city Esfahan. Journal of PsychologicalStudies.5(4), 129-148. (In Persian(.
Golparvar,M. & Orizisamani,H.R. (2008). Meta-analysis on the relationship between dimensions of organizational commitment, job alternatives, the desire to stay and tend to leave the service. Journal of Civil Engineering, 15(33), 85.100. (In Persian(.
Gruman,J.A., Saks,A.M., & Zweig ,D.I. (2006). Organizational socialization tactics and newcomer proactive behaviors: An integrative study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69, 90–104.
Hoon Lee, S. & Wong, P. (2004). An exploratory study of technopreneurial Intentions: a career anchor perspective. Journal of Business Venturing, 19, 7-28.
Hoon Tan, H. & ChooQuek, B. (2001). An exploratory study on the career anchors of educators in Singapore. The Journal of Psychology135(5), 527-545.
Ituma, A., & Simpson, R. (2007). Moving beyond Schein's typology: individual career anchors in the context of Nigeria. Personnel Review,36(6), 978-995.
Jaramillo,F., Mulki,J.P., & Marshall,G.W. (2005). A meta-analysis of the relationship between organizational commitment and salesperson job performance: 25 years of research. Journal of Business Research, 58, 705– 714.
Kammeyer-Mueller,J.D., Livingston,B.A. & Liao,H. (2011). Perceived similarity, proactive adjustment , and organizational socialization. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78, 225–236.
Khanifar,H., Moghimi,S.M., Jandaghi,GH.R. & Zarvandi,N. (2009). Relationship between components of trust and organizational commitment of employees in the organization Agriculture and Education in Qom. Journal of Public Administration,1(3),3-18. (In Persian.(
Kniveton, B. H. (2004). Managerial career anchors in a changing business environment. Journal of European Industrial Training, 28(7), 564-573.
Kuvaas,B. (2003). Employee ownership and affective organizational commitment: employees’perceptions of fairness and their preference for company shares over cash. Scand. J. Mgmt. 19, 193–212.
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Martineau, Y., Wils, T. & Tremblay, M. (2005). Multiple career anchors of Quebec engineers: impacts on career path and success. Relations Industrial’s- Industrial Relations, 60(3), 455-482.
Mirhashemi,M., Sharifi,H.p., Nisi,GH.R., & Bahari,S.A. (2007). Predict the organizational commitment of faculty members based on their understanding of workplace. Journal ofstudentresearch inpsychology, (31),133-153. (In Persian.(
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Nadi,M.A., Golparvar,M., & Siyadat,S.A. (2010). Organizational socialization and career aspirations of employees in the workplace. Applied Sociology, 21(37),159-176. (In Persian).
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Ng,T.w.H., Butts,,M.M., Vandenberg,R.J., DeJoy,D.M. & Wilson,M.G. (2006). Evicts of management communication, opportunity for learning, and work schedule Xexibility on organizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior ,68,  474–489.
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Quesenberry, J.L. (2006). Career anchors and organizational culture: A study of woman in the IT workforce Sigmis cporb proceeding of the ACM Sigmis Cpr conferences, 342-344.
Ramakrishna, H. V. & Potosky, D. (2003). Conceptualization and exploration of composite career anchors: an analysis of information system personnel. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 14(2), 199-215.
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Abbaspour,A. (2002). Comparison of performance of human resources with improved human resource management functions. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(58),85-106.(In Persian(.
Akroyd,D., Legg,J., Jackowski, M.B., & Adams,R.D.(2009). The impact of selected organizational variables and managerial leadership on radiation therapists ’ organizational commitment. Radiography,  15, 113-120.
Antonacopoulou,E.P. and Guttel, W. H. (2010). Staff induction practices and organizational socialization: A review and extension of the debate. Society and Business Review, 5(1), 22-47.
Atasashpuor,S.H. and Landoran Esfahani,S.(2007). Organizational socialization process. Journal ehya,19-22. (In Persian).
Bagheri,M. & Tavalai,R.A. (2010). The effect of organizational commitment on performance of organizations. Journal of  Two Monthly Police Development, 7 (30),73-96. (In Persian).
Barati,H & Orizasamani,h.R. (2009). Relationship commitment and work centrality Due to the moderating variables With cognitive and mental health workers past the retirement and of preparation for and commitment to improving health in the past the retirement of their psychological. Journal Working in Iran, 6(4), 35-43. (In Persian).
Beck, J & Lopa, J. M.(2001). An exploratory applications of Schein’s career anchors inventory to hotel executive operating committee members. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 20, 15-28.
Beck, J. A. (2004). Career anchors, organizational commitment, and job plateaus: An analysis of hotel executive operating committee members' career development. MA Dissertation, Purdue University.
Chiu, C., HsinGinn, H, Chung, L. & Siao, S. (2007). A study of career anchors and characteristic preferences of IS students. Journal of Compute Information Systems, 47(3), 24-33.
Cichy,R.F., Cha,J, & Kim,S. (2009). The relationship between organizational commitment and contextual performance among private club leaders. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28, 53–62.
Cohen, A. & Veled-Hecht, A. (2008). The relationship between organizational socialization and commitment in the workplace among employees in long-term nursing care facilities.Journal of Personnel Review. 39( 5), 537-556.
Cooper- Thomas,H.D & Anderson , N. (2006). Organizational socialization A new theoretical model and recommendations for future research and HRM practices in organizations. Journal  of managerial Psychology, 21( 5), 492-516.
Danziger, N and Valency, R. (2006). Career anchorsi distribution and impact on job satisfaction, the England case. Career Development International,11(4), 293-303.
Danziger, N; Moore, D & Valancy, R. (2008). The construct validity of Schein's career anchors orientationinventory. Career Development International, .3(1), 7-19.
Earl, G. (2005). The effect of job satisfaction, intention to leave, and career anchors on ethical perception of accounting professionals within the institute of management accountants(IMA). D.B.A. Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University.
Ejei,J., Weisani,M., Siadat,S. & Khezriazar,H. (2011). The role of academic motivation and learning strategies in statistics anxity : testing a causal model. Journal of Psychology, 15(2), 110-128.
Erdheim,J., Wang,M., & Zickar,M .J. (2006). Linking the Big Five personality constructs to organizational commitment. Personality and Individual Differences 41, 959–970.
Etebariyan,A., & Khalili,M. (2008). The relationship between quality of working life and the dimensions of organizational socialization. Knowledge and research in psychology, 35/36, 88-106. (In Persian).
Ferreira. N. Basson. J., &  Coetzee,  M. (2010). Psychological career resources in relation to organizational commitment: An exploratory study. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 8(1), 1-10.
Filstad,C. (2004). How newcomers use role models in organizational socialization. The Journal of Workplace Learning, 16( 7), 1366-5626.
Ge,J., Su,X. & Zhou,Y. (2010). Organizational socialization, organizational identification and organizational citizenship behavior. Nankai Business Review International, 1(2), 166-179.
Ghafori,M.R., & Golparvar,M. (2009). The relationship between organizational justice components of organizational commitment in Municipal employees of the Shardari city Esfahan. Journal of PsychologicalStudies.5(4), 129-148. (In Persian(.
Golparvar,M. & Orizisamani,H.R. (2008). Meta-analysis on the relationship between dimensions of organizational commitment, job alternatives, the desire to stay and tend to leave the service. Journal of Civil Engineering, 15(33), 85.100. (In Persian(.
Gruman,J.A., Saks,A.M., & Zweig ,D.I. (2006). Organizational socialization tactics and newcomer proactive behaviors: An integrative study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69, 90–104.
Hoon Lee, S. & Wong, P. (2004). An exploratory study of technopreneurial Intentions: a career anchor perspective. Journal of Business Venturing, 19, 7-28.
Hoon Tan, H. & ChooQuek, B. (2001). An exploratory study on the career anchors of educators in Singapore. The Journal of Psychology135(5), 527-545.
Ituma, A., & Simpson, R. (2007). Moving beyond Schein's typology: individual career anchors in the context of Nigeria. Personnel Review,36(6), 978-995.
Jaramillo,F., Mulki,J.P., & Marshall,G.W. (2005). A meta-analysis of the relationship between organizational commitment and salesperson job performance: 25 years of research. Journal of Business Research, 58, 705– 714.
Kammeyer-Mueller,J.D., Livingston,B.A. & Liao,H. (2011). Perceived similarity, proactive adjustment , and organizational socialization. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78, 225–236.
Khanifar,H., Moghimi,S.M., Jandaghi,GH.R. & Zarvandi,N. (2009). Relationship between components of trust and organizational commitment of employees in the organization Agriculture and Education in Qom. Journal of Public Administration,1(3),3-18. (In Persian.(
Kniveton, B. H. (2004). Managerial career anchors in a changing business environment. Journal of European Industrial Training, 28(7), 564-573.
Kuvaas,B. (2003). Employee ownership and affective organizational commitment: employees’perceptions of fairness and their preference for company shares over cash. Scand. J. Mgmt. 19, 193–212.
Kwesiga, E. & Bell, M.P. (2004). Back to Organizational Socialization : Building a Case for the Advancement of Women in Organizations. Journal of Back to Organizational Socialization. 23(7/8), 3-20.
Lick, D. W. (2002). Leadership and change, in field guide to academic leadership, San Francisco: Josses Bass.
Lumley, E. J. (2011). Exploring the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees in the information technology environment. Southern African Business Review, 15(1), 100-118.
Martineau, Y., Wils, T. & Tremblay, M. (2005). Multiple career anchors of Quebec engineers: impacts on career path and success. Relations Industrial’s- Industrial Relations, 60(3), 455-482.
Mirhashemi,M., Sharifi,H.p., Nisi,GH.R., & Bahari,S.A. (2007). Predict the organizational commitment of faculty members based on their understanding of workplace. Journal ofstudentresearch inpsychology, (31),133-153. (In Persian.(
Mooghali, A.R., Hassanpour, A. & Hassanpour, M. (1388). Surveying of the relationship between employee empowerment and organizational commitment in the 19 District of Tehran education organization. Journal Public Administration,1(1),119-132. (In Persian).
Morland, N. (2005). Work-related Learning in Higher Education. The Higher Education Academy.
Movahed,M.  & Abbasi Savazi,M.T. (2006). The relationship between socialization and traditional values and modern attitudes to girls in the field of personal relations between the sexes before marriage. Women's Studies, 4(1), 67-99. (In Persian).
Nadi,M.A., Golparvar,M., & Siyadat,S.A. (2010). Organizational socialization and career aspirations of employees in the workplace. Applied Sociology, 21(37),159-176. (In Persian).
Neininger,A., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Kauffeld,S. & Henschel,A. (2010). Effects of team and organizational commitment – A longitudinal study. Journal of Vocational Behavior ,76, 567–579.
Ng,T.w.H., Butts,,M.M., Vandenberg,R.J., DeJoy,D.M. & Wilson,M.G. (2006). Evicts of management communication, opportunity for learning, and work schedule Xexibility on organizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior ,68,  474–489.
Peterson, J., & Roger, A. (2009). Career Anchors Profiles: An Exploratory Study of Business School Participants in France. A Paper presented at the International Conference on Evaluation Indicators and Social and Environmental Responsibility of Enterprises, Lyon: 8-10 June.
Quesenberry, J.L. (2006). Career anchors and organizational culture: A study of woman in the IT workforce Sigmis cporb proceeding of the ACM Sigmis Cpr conferences, 342-344.
Ramakrishna, H. V. & Potosky, D. (2003). Conceptualization and exploration of composite career anchors: an analysis of information system personnel. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 14(2), 199-215.
Rasdi, R. M. (2009). Career Aspirations and Career Success Among Managers in the Malaysian Public Sector. Research Journal of International Studies, 9, 21-35.
Rebecca, T. (2007). The relationship between career anchors and organizational commitment. M. A. Dissertation. University of South Africa.
Schein, E. H. (1985). Career Anchors: Discovering Your Real Values. University Associates, Inc. San Diego, California.
Schein, E. H. (1996). Career anchors revisited Implications for career development in the 21 century. Academy of Management Executive , 10(40), 80-88.
Schein, E.H. (1990). Career anchors: Discovering your real values, San Francisco: Josses Bass Pfeiffer.
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