Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training of Mothers on Social Adjustment, Aggression and Academic Achievement of their Children

Document Type : Research Paper



The present study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of communication skills training of mothers on social adjustment, aggression and academic achievement of their children. The sample included 50 mothers of high school students in Tehran who were selected by cluster sampling and randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. The communication skills training of mothers consisted of 10 sessions (one session per week, each session lasting 3 hours), based on cognitive behavioral approach. Students were assessed through the use of social adjustment scale and the aggression questionnaire as pre- and post-tests. Also their GPA (Grade Point Average) in the first and second semester were recorded for assessing their academic achievement. The Data was analyzed using repeated measures analysis of covariance. The results indicated the significant difference of the three variables. So we can say that communication skills training for mothers improved social adjustment and academic achievement of children and decreased their aggression. It is suggested that schools consider the importance of communication skills training and its effectiveness on both parents and students.


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