An Investigation of Ibn Tufail's Philosophical Thought in Hayy ibn Yaqdhan Novel and its Implications

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Administration and Planning, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


The aim of this study was the investigation of Ibn Tufail's philosophical thought in his novel “Hayy ibn Yaqdhan” and the implications of it. Analytical - deductive research methods were used. First of all, the novel was explained and the philosophy of Ibn Tufail and its reflections in the story were analyzed and then the implications were deduced from the existing evidence in the story. The results indicated that Ibn Tufail's thought in Hayy ibn Yaqdhan story was mainly affected by the situation of his time when the argument between supporters of philosophy and religion (reason and religion) was at its peak. Therefore, it was concluded that his purpose of writing Hayy ibn Yaqdhan was the explanation of these arguments. The story is an answer to the ideas of Ibn Sina, Farabi, Ibn Bajja and Al-Ghazali who were the most important philosophical arguers of that time. In this regard, Ibn Tufail blends elements of wisdom, revelation and mysticism together and presents an integrated plan for educating human from childhood to the old age in which there is the reconciliation of philosophy, religion and mysticism. In Ibn Tufail’s educational plan, the goal of education is knowing God and getting closer to him. Education in Hayy ibn Yaqdhan story has three aspects of individual, social and religious education among which individual training is the most important one. Principles of individuality, responsibility, development and linkage between appearance and reality can be deduced from his educational plan. Based on these principles Ibn Tufail employed the training methods of experience, reflection, reasoning and intuition in the story of Hayy ibn Yqtan.
