The relationship between managers' leadership styles and organizational learning in schools

Document Type : Research Paper



The main purpose of this research is to study of the relationship between the manager's leadership styles and Organizational learning among Ray city high school. Statistical Society in high school girls and boys, including three areas Rey city area 1, area 2 and is Kahrizak. Among the census method all high schools (68 high school) in the study were considered as examples. Two questionnaires were used to determine leadership style and organizational learning. Factor analysis and Loop method were used to determine the reliability and finally calculate reliability using Cronbach's alpha for the questionnaire leadership style 0/87 and for organizational learning questionnaire 0/94 obtained. This descriptive study - data correlation and analysis of descriptive and inferential statistics (multiple regression stepwise method and pierson corralation) was used. Results showed the leadership styles of Managerial, Participative, Transactional, Post Modern, Contingency and Moral There is a significant and positive relationship with organizational learning and in total 63% of variance in organizational learning are explained. Participative leadership is the most important contribution (45%) in explaining organizational learning.


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