Effect of Pilgrimage of reinforcement of religious identity of university students

Document Type : Research Paper



Inthis research, the Effect of  Pilgrimage on reinforcement of thereligious identity of university Students were investigated. Research methodwas quasi-experimental with pre-test and post test design with control group. Forty students were  selected  from community of university of  Mazandran   by purposed sampling ,and  randomly they were  divided into two experimental and control groups. After administering of the religious identity pretest on both groups, the experimental group for the pilgrimage performances for 12 days periods were dispatched to Mekka. But Control group did not receive any of intervention. After returning of students from the pilgrimage, post tests were administered immediately, while follow up tests were administered after a period of six months. Data were analyzed through repeated measures analysis of covariance and multi covariance analysis.The results shows that between scores mean of experimental group and control group have significant difference(p


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