The relationship of psychological entitlement and religious orientation with life satisfaction in students with symptoms of academic procrastination: The mediating role of psychological well-being

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Psychology and Counselling, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


This study examined the mediating role of psychological well-being in the relationship of religious orientation and psychological entitlement with life satisfaction in procrastinating students. The study population was all male and female students of universities in Mazandaran Province. A total of 326 individual (217 girls and 109 boys) were selected by cluster sampling. Research tools were Academic Procrastination Questionnaire, Student Satisfaction Scale, Psychological Well-being Questionnaire, and Religious Orientation Test. Findings showed the mediating role of psychological well-being, accounting for 35% of the variance in life satisfaction for procrastinating students. 
Seventy-five percent of the students who are considered procrastinators are incapable in self-regulation skills, attention control, and goal prioritization, therefore, they feel dissatisfied with their academic activity and performances (Steele al., 2018). Some academic procrastinators believe they deserve the best opportunities (Alshahri, 2018). Learners with symptoms of psychological entitlement often experience unintended deprivation, which hurts their expectations of life. They consider deprivation as social injustice and reduce their life satisfaction (Grabs & Xline, 2016).  They procrastinate to reach the position they entitle. They believe success is gained by chance and external sources not by effort, consequently, they justify their hesitant behavior and the need to gain a top position. Psychological entitlement jeopardizes psychological well-being over time (Prismoth and Taylor, 2016). Sometimes, the sense of entitlement manifests in the form of religious beliefs (Yu and Lim, 2019; Baghernejad al., 2020). Religious people believe that solution to their problems is in the hands of God. Lack of internal control can lead to problems with self-regulation and procrastination behaviors. (Zarzikaet al., 2021; Hosseini, 2018). The large number of negligent students shows the importance and necessity of this study. They experience depression and anxiety (Jayaraja al., 2014), and have poor control over academic opportunities, autonomy and decision-making. Hence, they have low academic satisfaction (Asfa al., 1396). Accordingly, the present study aimed to examine the mediating role of psychological well-being in the relationship of religious orientation and psychological entitlement with life satisfaction of procrastinating students.
This descriptive-correlational study applied correlational path analysis and SPSS and Lisrel software programs.
Research tools in the screening stage
Academic Procrastination Questionnaire developed by Soloman and Roth Bloom consists of 27 items withminimum and maximum scores of 27 and 135, respectively. Student Life Satisfaction Scale was developed by Scott Habner (2001). Psychological Well-being Questionnaire was developed by Reef (1989) with 18 items. Psychological Entitlement S was developed by Campbell el. (2004) with nine items.
Sobel test confirmed the significance of the effect of mediating variables. In these hypothesized models, the mediating variable of psychological well-being accounted for 35% of the variance in life satisfaction for procrastinating students. 
Discussion and conclusion
The results showed that procrastinating students were not able to identify stressful situations, choose appropriate coping styles, be aware of surrounding events and have healthy competitions with their classmates. They were irresponsible in their academic activities and broke the rules. They did not meet the expectations of their family. They were rejected by their family and society. The results showed psychological entitlement was a type of fair behavior or coping style. Psychological entitlement helped learners avoid prejudice. These learners justified their procrastinating behavior, disobedience, and academic failures. Learners' intrinsic religious orientation reduced internal control, and increased luck/destiny effect and procrastination behavior. Participating in religious ceremonies for individuals with external religious orientation did not make them feel controlled by God. External religious orientation weakens internal control, self-government and sense of individuality. External religious orientation reduces internal control, self-determination, and individuality. These learners chose surrogate control and procrastination behavior. In the long-term, their psychological well-being decreased. Performing religious rites is a method of achieving demands and a kind of dealing with God. If these learners do not get what they want, they will become angry with God.


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