Author = samadi, parvin
The role of Homework in academic performance of students from perspective of teachers

Volume 12, Issue 2, September 2016, Pages 63-94


Afsaneh Naraghi zadeh; Parwin samadi; Seyyedeh Zahra Razawi Mosavi

Evaluation of Physical Education Courses in High Schools Based on Klein\'s Theory

Volume 9, Issue 4, March 2014, Pages 93-118


Mehrangiz Lotfi; Mohamad Javadipour; Parvin Samadi

Classroom atmosphere and management by guidance teachers of Oroomiyeh

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2008, Pages 155-176


P. Samadee; S. Rajaa'eepoor; T. Aaghaahosainee; H. Falaavandee