Author = alipour, fatemeh
The Diagnostic Role of Self-Restraint, Meaning in Life, and Depression in Students' Suicide Risk

Volume 20, Issue 3, October 2024, Pages 131-143


Siavosh Sheikhalizadeh; Fatemeh Alipour; Arash Shahbaziyan khonig; Jafar Faridi esfanjani

Discriminative Role of Social intelligence, Bullying and Academic well-being in Social isolation of students

Volume 16, Issue 4, February 2021, Pages 135-151


arash shahbaziyankhonig; fatemeh alipour; ebrahim anahid; ali asghar mohammadiyan garibe; Siavash sheikhalizadeh

Discriminative Role of Moral intelligence, Mindfulness and Cell Phone Addiction in Suicide Probability among students

Volume 15, Issue 4, February 2020, Pages 203-222


arash shahbaziyankhonig; Siavash Sheikhalizadeh; ali asghar mohammadiyan garibe; Mohammad Rashbari Dibavar; fatemeh alipour; ebrahim anahid